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A place to discuss all the old conspiracy theories that have suddenly come true.

founded 10 months ago
Welcome (feddit.ch)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Welcome swampies old and new! Enemies are many, Friends are few.

Why swamp_refugees?

For the benefit of any newcomers that might happen upon this community I should offer some words of explanation as to what swamp_refugees is.

Swampies began in the covid years when many of us sensed that things were not as they were made out to be. Opposition to the fairly universally applied dictats of governments around the world (myself in the UK) was stamped upon with ferocity and disastrous lockdowns were imposed. A privately run forum appeared where these issues were debated, but after a while the person running that forum decided that the opinions of some were not welcome any more and declared the forum a ‘toxic swamp’ and expelled most of its members by switching on a paywall. Thus swampies were born and set out on their first migration!

One swampie started up a site on reddit where the discussions could continue (it is still up and running at https://old.reddit.com/r/LockdownSceptics/). Then our delightful UK government introduced a thing called the ‘Online Safety Bill’ which passed through both houses, upper and lower, without a murmur of opposition. This will ‘protect your children’ they said, they didn’t mention at what cost to free speech.

So a natural sceptic like myself can only see restrictions being imposed on reddit before long and that is why us swampies need another place to run to, and this is it, our second migration (possibly) - hence swamp_refugees. While the reddit site is still up and running this might be a fairly quiet community, but if what I fear will happen actually does happen it may liven up considerably.

Server Error (feddit.ch)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Server Error" for about a week now, does anybody know what is happening? Is the site under attack?


"All we hear is Radio Soros"


Go France, Go Belgium - Save Our Society

Sergey Lavrov (sputnikglobe.com)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Possibly the greatest politician of modern times. Although I admit it is not a very high bar.


I wish a happy and peaceful new year to one and all, especially those subject to the proxy violence of my own government. They do not speak for me or any swamp_refugees, they speak only for the forces of evil, power and money. Take heart, their time is nearly over.


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The cause of the silence is easy to tell,
The lighting is off, the heating as well.

The wind has not blown now for multiple days,
The sun has not blessed us with its warming rays.
The ice in the windows has already formed,
The people are bedded to keep themselves warmed.

Across the land from Thurso to Thanet disciples are valiantly saving the planet,
Least that's what they're led to believe.
But with poor education and misinformation,
The blob will always deceive.

It began when a star was seen in the north,
A different one this time with no virgin birth.
St Greta of Sweden was born to deliver,
A message of fear to make us all shiver.

She spoke to world leaders of her new religion,
And urged them on to make the decision.
Stop carbon now and you will be heroes,
As long as you strive to reach your net zeros.

The leaders thought hard and decided to act,
For fear is a weapon and that is a fact.
If we can manipulate this kind of fear,
It will keep us in power for many a year.

So the self harm took hold in gradual stages,
To carry us back to the late middle ages.
With windmills and solar we struggle for power,
With the rich getting richer with each passing hour.

The battery cars and the air pump heaters,
Will soon get rid of our old useless eaters.
They might just burn or they might well freeze,
But either way its a wonderful wheeze.

We'll save a fortune on pensions and care,
And replace our old folk with young from elsewhere.
The immigration must never stop,
Its essential for helping our wage bills to drop.

Our own young will languish in digital prisons,
And may well be happy there.
So the world will exist for corrupt politicians,
And WEF billionaires.

The plot of the scam is not at all hidden,
Yet few seem to comprehend.
The sheep will do as the sheep are bidden,
And follow unto their end.


But soft what light from yonder window breaks?
Is it the east and Juliette at the cill?
Your pointing west you romantic freak,
And the figure you see is OldBill!

Yes, 'tis me in my 12 minute city,
('cause 15 refuses to scan).
Wielding my quill for my yuletide ditty,
Reaching out to my fellow man.

With shivering hands and a candle for light,
It really isn't so easy to write.
So I just say, for now, forget all the fear,
Have a cracking Christmas and a belting new year.


"UK communications regulator Ofcom has published lengthy guidance on policing certain elements of people’s online behavior, following the introduction of Britain’s divisive Online Safety Act legislation last month."

"Some platforms, including WhatsApp, Signal and iMessage, have threatened to withdraw from the UK if they are compelled by the Online Safety Act to compromise the security encryption of their services."

"Proton, which bills itself as a “private email service,” said that it would be willing to take the UK government to court to protect its users’ rights to privacy. “The internet as we know it faces a very real threat,” Proton CEO Andy Yen said, according to the BBC last month."