Did You Ever Hear?

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Did you ever hear the tragedy of /r/didyoueverhear the dead?

The new home for edits of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis.


  1. Must be a tragedy written either partially/completely in the format of Darth Plagueis the Wise.
  2. If possible, submit it in text form instead of linking it.
  3. Include the source/context and give credit where credit is due (unless the writer is yourself).
  4. Change to "Did you ever hear" if the one you found/wrote is initially "Have you ever heard" before posting.
  5. Posts containing spoilers must be marked as such. Spoilers in the title would be automatically removed.


founded 1 year ago

I thought not. It’s not a story the rebels would tell you. It’s a Combine legend.

3650 was a member of Civil Protection, so powerful and so badass, he could use Lazlo’s algorithm to influence the rebel's turrets to shoot at…themselves. He had such a knowledge of what transpires in City 10 that he could even prevent the vortigaunt conspiracy from succeeding.

The good graces of the Combine is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

He became so badass, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his family cohesion, which eventually of course he did. Unfortunately, his colleagues dug the dirt on everything about his past, and 3650 killed them all on the spot.

Ironic. He could keep the humanity on other people, but not to himself.


I thought not. It's not a story /u/spez would tell you. It's a IPO legend.

Reddit was a large platform on the Internet, so powerful and so wise, it could use the platform to influence its users to create...value. It had such a moderation force from all sides that it could even keep the subreddits it cared about from dying.

The volunteer side of moderation is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unethical.

It became so valuable, the only thing it was afraid of was losing its value at IPO, which eventually of course it did. Unfortunately, it jacked up API pricing to squeeze out third party apps, then the protesting moderators put the subreddits to sleep.

Ironic. It can save others from Internet death, but not itself.


I thought not. It’s not a story today's prequel memers would tell you. It’s a meme legend.

r/Didyoueverhear was a dank subreddit, so known and so dank people could use the subreddit to create well written posts… it had such a knowledge of the dank side that he could even use it to save the memes they loved.

The dank side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be repetitive.

He became so known the only thing it was afraid of was losing it's relevancy-, which eventually, of course, it did. Unfortunately, it taught the other memes everything they knew, then the new memes overshadowed the old ones during the very Late 2010s.

Ironic. It could save others from irrelevancy, but not it's self.

original by /u/DallasOriginals


I thought not. It's not a story the townsfolk would tell you. It's a Derry legend.

Clown Pennywise was a dark lord of the sewers so powerful and so wise, it could use fear to influence the townspeople to consume...lives. It had such a knowledge of the dark sewers, it could even keep the ones it cared about from escaping.

The fear side of emotions is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

It became so powerful, the only thing it was afraid of was losing its power, which eventually of course it did. Unfortunately, it showed a bunch of losers everything they feared, then those losers killed it in its base. Ironic. It could float other people with fear, but not itself.