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Cuba is a socialist country trying to achieve communism.

founded 3 years ago
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We did it! Thanks to your generous donation, today 800 tons of wheat flour have safely arrived in Cuba and will provide bread for millions of people in the provinces of Pinar del Rio, Artemisa, Mayabeque, Matanzas and Havana. This urgent campaign has been months in the making, with hundreds of thousands of dollars donated by over 1,300 people like you to help address this food crisis manufactured by the U.S. government and its blockade against Cuba.

While this critical campaign has succeeded in carrying out this delivery, it wasn't without significant hurdles created by the blockade. In the process of organizing the campaign, we reached out to 14 different grain producers in the U.S. to purchase the massive order but received not a single positive response. In order to successfully complete the delivery, the grain had to be shipped from Turkey and suffered delays because of the U.S. government's policy of extreme and arbitrary harassment of Cuba's foreign trade, which is meant to create desperation for the people of Cuba and has brutal consequences.

The Biden administration in its remaining months before January has the power to swiftly end this crisis of hunger. It could remove Cuba from the "State Sponsors of Terrorism List," an unfounded designation imposed in 2017 by Trump that restricts vital financial and trade transactions.

The "Let Cuba Live: Bread for Our Neighbors" campaign is just one part of the larger fight against the U.S. blockade on Cuba. The people of the U.S. will continue to fight against this brutal blockade and build bridges of solidarity with our neighbors in Cuba. Donations are still being accepted to help offset the costs of this massive delivery—please consider an additional donation, or share with your friends and neighbors. Together we will continue to break the blockade!

In solidarity,

Manolo De Los Santos
The People's Forum

(Taken from an email sent to me by Manolo de los Santos.)


Despite the embargo and the global chaos, Cuban researchers quickly managed to find effective vaccines against COVID-19: Abdalá or CIGB-66, designed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and authorized for use by the regulatory authority Cecmed in July 2021 and Soberana 2 or Finlay-FR-2, from the Finlay Institute, authorized for use in August 2021.

National vaccination campaigns began in April 2021. Before that, Cuba had helped foreign countries, including those in the North, by sending doctors free of charge to Italy — to Lombardy in March 2020, then in Sicily and Calabria. This was the first time that Cubans provided treatment in Western Europe. In mid-2020, Cuba accepted France’s request for aid in its overseas departments and sent 2,579 health professionals to 24 countries.

Fifty countries have purchased recombinant interferon alfa 2B, the preventive anti-COVID-19 drug manufactured in Cuba, which has produced millions of doses for Southern countries. In Cuba, the campaign against the pandemic starting in January 2020 mobilized 28,000 medical students who visited 4 million people per day.

  • Despite all the difficulties, social progress has never stopped, and the quality of care offered to the population by its free health system has held up. A societal choice is made — cooperation and solidarity in an egalitarian and peaceful society rather than individualism and competition in an unequal and violent society. And this health system is integrated into a vision of harmony between humankind and nature — because the protection of the environment is real, with reforestation, organic farming and more measures.

Cuban researchers have therefore risen to the forefront in the world and, by remaining in the country, choose to serve their people — and often other peoples with their missions abroad. So we say: Gracias a Cuba.


Not sure if fundraisers are allowed? This was sent to me by the PSL and I thought some of our comrades here might be interested in helping. I'm not personally involved in the fundraiser organization.


Most Cubans understand that it is the protracted U.S. blockade of [the Republic of] Cuba which is causing the severe food, medical and supply shortages, with the aim of forcing Cubans to overthrow their government.

Díaz-Canel accused the U.S. of always looking for justifications and turning things around. He said similar protests in the U.S. and other parts of the world are more severe and more severely repressed, “However, those in Cuba make headlines. Why? Because there is an entire perversity when it comes to dealing with the Cuban problem.” He said the U.S. has shown an “enormous contempt for the Cuban people and the Cuban revolution.”

Díaz-Canel said the U.S. “resorts to a policy of maximum pressure, which has two fundamental elements, through economic asphyxiation to provoke a social explosion that breaks the unity of the Cuban people with the revolution,” and “social media intoxication,” which is what happened on March 17.

Díaz-Canel ended: “Let them try to bring us down. They’ll see what will happen to them. The revolution is very solid, and the Cuban people are very aware of what it would mean to lose the revolution.”


Havana, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) The 1st International Biennial of Political Humor will take place in Havana from June 1 to 30, 2024, the National Association of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC) announced.

According to the announcement, the Ministry of Culture, the National Council of Plastic Arts, and the Cuban magazine La Jiribilla invite artists, illustrators, cartoonists, and humorists from all over the world to participate in the event.

The text stated that the contest aims to explore the effects of globalization and related phenomena from the political humor perspective.

The central theme will be the fight against neo-fascism.

The works, in digital format, should be sent to [email protected]. The attached files should be in a JPG format, with a 300 dpi resolution, not less than 2400 pixels on the longest side.

The author’s identity and location information (name, pen name, country, title, address, e-mail address, and phone number) must be included.

The selected works will be printed and exhibited in the leading and side exhibitions of the Biennial.


Moscow, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Ambassador to Russia, Julio Garmendía, stressed that the relations between the two nations are of strategic allies at the bilateral and international levels.

During his opening speech at the reception devoted to the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the Cuban ambassador outlined the development of national historiography from January 1959 to the present.

He also highlighted the more-than-six-decade ties between Moscow and Havana since the friendship offered by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) when Cuba, according to Fidel Castro, was facing, perhaps, the most complex period of the war unleashed by the United States against the people.

Garmendía argued that it would take time to explain the years of unconditional support, to which he detailed that both Governments signed significant documents in 2023 to boost direct investment of Russian capital in the Cuban economy.

The diplomat told the attendees at the meeting that despite those complex times, Cuba currently faces an unprecedented tightening of the blockade that the United States has maintained for more than 60 years. The inclusion in the illegal list of countries sponsoring terrorism that complicates Cuba’s commercial and financial activity, the challenges in international logistics, and the rise in the prices of food and other products worsen the internal situation in Cuba.

Other factors, including media war, incitement to the so-called regime change, and other subversive events, also add to the list of actions against the Cuban Revolution.

Russian First Vice Chairman of the State Duma Ivan Melnikov, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, and Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin chaired the event.


Havana, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) The first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel, expressed his willingness to strengthen ties with the Communist Party of Spain (PCE), the Presidency informed on Thursday.

At a meeting with PCE Secretary General Enrique Santiago Romero at the Palace of the Revolution (seat of the Executive) on Wednesday , Díaz-Canel referred to the need for joint work on issues of international interest.

I think that there are many global issues; that we have to be sharing ideas; above all, visions from our positions, especially in view of the media manipulation of issues related to the visions of the leftist, socialist, communist parties, and also for the Third World, the Cuban president said.

The head of State also referred to the environment, or the necessary energy transition, which he considered essential, and to which poor countries do not know what their paths with solutions can be.

In this regard, Santiago Romero noted that capitalism is incompatible with the workers’ rights, with a dignified life, and “today it is already clear that this is “incompatible with the maintenance of life on the planet, of ecosystems, and is a risk of destruction for the human species.”


Havana, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Díaz-Canel met with José Miguel Mejía, general secretary of the United Left Movement (MIU) party and Minister for Regional Integration Policies of the Dominican Republic, national television informed.

During the meeting on Wednesday at the Palace of the Revolution, the seat of the Government, the head of State expressed satisfaction with this new visit to Havana of the political leader and member of the Dominican Executive, who visited Cuba in 2022.

Díaz-Canel considers Mejía “a great friend of Cuba.”

The president was interested in the program conducted by Mejía in this capital and sent a greeting to his Dominican counterpart, Luis Abinader, to whom he reiterated the invitation to visit Cuba officially when his agenda allows it.

Both leaders acknowledged the MIU’s historic position in supporting Cuba and its solidarity against the economic, commercial, and financial blockade of the United States imposed on Cuba, which has lasted for more than 60 years and is currently being tightened.

Roberto Morales, a member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of Cuba’s Communist Party (PCC); Emilio Lozada, head of the International Relations Department of the PCC Central Committee; and Juan Carlos Frómeta, an officer of the same party, attended the meeting.



We also value the demand you are making today demanding the end of the cruel blockade and the removal of Cuba from the spurious list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

The economic, commercial and financial blockade is the main obstacle to our development; it prevents us from obtaining indispensable inputs and impacts all areas of society. It is a hostile policy that also deprives the U.S. people of the medical, cultural and scientific potential that Cuba offers.

We demand respect for our sovereignty and an end to the illegal occupation of the Guantanamo Naval Base.

It is essential to face the disinformation campaigns against the Cuban Revolution and the aggressions in the digital networks promoted by the circles of power in the U.S. with the aim of breaking the will of Cubans to remain free and independent.

The unity and creative resistance of our people demonstrate that [neo]imperialism has no capacity to overcome the force of truth and ideas.

Cuba will continue to defend peace, building an ever more just socialist society in solidarity with the oppressed peoples of the world.

Hasta la Victoria Siempre!

Communist Party of Cuba


Havana, Jan 24 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban government today approved a three-month increase in the social benefit for maternity, as part of the actions planned to correct distortions and boost the economy in 2024.

Granma newspaper reported that the communiqué informing the measure, published on the government’s official networks, explains that protecting the most precious thing for our family, infants, is a priority for the Revolution.

Granma adds that from this moment on, mothers and fathers will be able to be with their babies until they are 15 months old, three more than the 12 months established so far. This is the second time in less than five years that Cuba has adopted a resolution of great benefit for parents and their families.

In October 2021 the approval by the Council of State, Decree Law 56 “On Working Mothers and the Responsibility of Families” increased and equalized guarantees for working mothers in the state and non-state sector.

This decree is also noteworthy because it included the payment of 100 percent of the worker’s salary in the event of a risky pregnancy and the elimination of the requirement of having worked 75 days to be entitled to receive economic and social benefits.

In turn, the entry into force of Decree Law 71 in 2023 extended the exercise of the right to protection for the care of the daughter or child to other working persons.

This new regulation introduced changes in line with the Family Code as a consequence of multiparentality, adoptive, assisted and socio-affective filiation.


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Havana, Jan 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel today ratified the historical commitment and solidarity of Cuba with the cause of the Palestinian people.

“For Cubans, Palestine is a close sister nation; the cause of its people has always been defended by the Revolution,” the president wrote in his account on the X social network.

Díaz-Canel noted that in days of so much horror in the Gaza Strip due to Isn'treal aggression, Cuba renews its firm commitment to a free Palestine.

In various international scenarios, Cuba has demanded a just, comprehensive and lasting solution to the Palestinian-Isn'treal conflict, including the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital and the return of refugees.

According to official figures, since the beginning of the Isn'treal aggression last October 7, more than 24,400 Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip, over 61,500 were wounded and other thousands were declared missing.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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Havana, Jan 19 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Foreign Ministry reiterated its firm and unchanging support to the principle of "one China", stating that the Caribbean country recognizes Taiwan as an inalienable part of China's territory.

In an official statement, the Foreign Ministry expressed Cuba’s support to Beijing “in the face of the pretensions of secessionist forces and external actors to take advantage of this issue to undermine the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the People’s Republic of China, intervene in its internal affairs and undermine regional and international peace and security”.

The text reaffirms that “Cuba’s position is consistent with United Nations General Assembly resolution 2758 of October 25, 1971, and with the position of the overwhelming majority of the international community that officially recognizes the People’s Republic of China as the sole and legitimate representative of the entire Chinese people”.

In this sense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlights in its statement that “Cuba also recognizes and supports the efforts of the Chinese Government to achieve national reunification”.


The Hatuey Project has been working since July, 2022 to provide material aid for Cuba's medical needs, to help Cuba overcome the crippling effects of the 60-year long U.S. blockade of Cuba combined with the unjust "State Sponsor of Terrorism" designation. Watch the new video above summarizing our work since then, and please help our efforts by donating what you can. 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes to providing medicine for Cuba. We are happy to be partnering with IFCO/Pastors for Peace in this important work.


On behalf of The Hatuey Project, we thank you for your past support, and hope you will be able to continue to support this valuable solidarity project in the future.

We wish you all a Happy New Year, with health, happiness, and success in all your endeavors. For true peace and justice and an end to the Blockade in 2024!

Gloria La Riva, Coordinator, The Hatuey Project
Rachel Viqueira, MHS, Epidemiologist
Andira Alves, New England Hatuey Coordinator
Nadia Marsh, MD, Assoc. Prof. of Clinical Medicine
Simon Ma, MD, MPH, Family Medicine
Leni Villagómez Reeves, MD
Will Kohr, RN

(Taken from an email sent to me by the Hatuey Project. Emphasis original.


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Good stuff.


Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died of natural causes seven years ago today after surviving 634 CIA assassination attempts.

Using exploding cigars, a contaminated diving suit, poisoned drinks, poisoned pens, paramilitary invasions, CIA-built special weapons, and assassination plots with the Cuban Mafia, Washington's intelligence service tried every trick in the book to eliminate Castro. However, he survived to the age of 90, passing away peacefully in 2016.


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Your thoughts?

Short article, btw.


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Your thoughts?

Short article, btw.


By Alejandra Garcia on November 19, 2023 from Havana

In little more than a month, 12,000 Palestinians have been killed by [neocolonialism], including 5,000 children, before the passive gaze of the governments of the world. It is the people of these countries who are protesting in large numbers for an end to the conflict that is leaving Palestine in ruins, in almost non-existent living conditions. Every day, thousands and hundreds of thousands of demonstrators around the world take to the streets in favor of peace, and Cuba does not remain indifferent either, as our government and the people call in one voice for a cease-fire and the self determination of the Palestinian people.

On Friday, in a gesture of profound respect, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel and other leaders invited 144 young Palestinians studying medicine in Cuba to a meeting at the Palace of the Revolution. And it was emotional and heartbreaking.

“What a shame of humanity. Tears and even words are not enough to alleviate the pain of the Palestinian people who are being wiped out in an act of extermination perpetrated by Israel,” the Cuban president stressed.

Fifty-three out of the 144 Palestinians who attended the meeting live in the Gaza Strip. This is the case of Maria, 22, who has already witnessed four wars in her country. She expressed her gratitude for the act of solidarity at the Palace of the Revolution, one of the many others that have taken place throughout the Caribbean country in support of the Palestinian people since October 6.

“In Gaza, mothers carry their children twice: once in their wombs and once in their shrouds. It’s hard to be away from family, but my mother has asked me to continue studying, not to give up, because medicine is the noblest job in the world. ‘Raise up your name and the name of Palestine, she told me,” the young student recounted.

Mohammed Ahmed Zannoun, who has been in Cuba for nine months, told how he and his friends cannot let the day go by without talking to their families. “What do we Palestinians want? A free homeland. We are not asking for anything else,” he said, adding how grateful he and his fellow students are for Cuba’s support amid so much indifference from the international community.

One prevailing sentiment prevailed in the auditorium. “Our territory won’t be razed to the ground, and our people won’t be exterminated because there will always be a combatant left standing.” And an image prevailed as well; that of the students placed on the shoulders of the Cuban leaders a traditional keffiyeh that symbolizes the Palestinian people, the same item that Fidel once wore on the shoulders of his uniform.

“We Cubans learned to defend the Palestinian cause from the internationalist and humanist vision of the historic leader of our Revolution, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, who was always a friend of that nation that demands its right to self-determination,” the president declared.

This Friday, the Cuban and Palestinian flags also illuminated the facade of the José Martí monument in the emblematic Plaza de la Revolución, thanks to renowned Cuban artists.

The island has expressed on numerous occasions its unconditional support for the right of Palestine to be a free and sovereign state, with its capital in East Jerusalem and in pre-1967 borders. This yearning has been frustrated by the interference of US-backed [neocolony], whose land confiscation, illegal settlements, and widespread discrimination have inflicted suffering on the Palestinian population, stripping them of their fundamental rights.

“We strongly condemn Israel’s genocide. We will accompany Palestine in fulfilling its dream. As Fidel once said, it is time to put an end to the philosophy of dispossession so that the philosophy of war dies due to lack of incentives,” the Cuban president concluded.

(Taken from an email sent to me by the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee. Emphasis original.)

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