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A free software to take back control of your videos

Peertube is an open, federated alternative to Youtube without advertising or tracking. On this site, you can find a good Peertube instance, with good rules, good moderation and most importantly a friendly community.

founded 4 years ago

I'm working on a new Minetest series as we speak. I have sort of become known for delivering Minetest videos that are chill. My original two series consist of twenty minute episodes, but I'm planning on my third here being five minute episodes, since that's about as much as people will watch before clicking off. I've decided to make fifty-two episodes at least, one for every day of the week. I tend to get higher view counts this way, since I'm guessing the content stays fresh in peoples minds. I'm gunna give each episode a title, since that seems to draw the crowds too. I'll release every new video on Thursdays at 5pm GMT-06:00. Thursdays because then the final episode lands on next Halloween, and 5PM because that's when people get off work. I'd like to give people something to look forward too when coming home from work and school. My viewers are from the USA, Canada and Germany.

With that out of the way, my questions are:

  • Custom thumbnails - yes or no? - I usually don't but have never tried. I try to stay away from Youtuber culture.
  • Video descriptions - I'm bad at these. What do you wanna see here besides a list of mods?
  • My episodes are unstructured. Is this bad?
  • What would you like to see in a typical 5-minute episode?
  • How do you like my plan so far?? I want this series to be a hit!

Hi folks!


I have recently made my own instance and enabled federation. It's working well. But if I go to videos, all the other instances' videos are shown first. I'd like to boost the local content before the federated stuff so people can actually see it.

Remediation steps

I searched for a plugin that does featured stuff but only found a three year old one of which I don't know if it is safe to use in terms of stability and such.

What I would like

Sorting by downloads, "likes", update as well as adding comments. Filtering by "official" or other others. Plugin Search actually showing "official" if I search for it instead of a blank page.

What I need to know

Is there something like this already or should I try opening an issue with the creators at framasoft?

Have a good one!


I intend to share with my friends (or have my replays stored somewhere easily accessible) but I refuse to use Youtube and I can't self-host a Peertube instance just for this purpose at the moment.

Does anyone know of an instance where I can just upload occasional videos without limits? I know storage is expensive and I don't want to abuse it either, but there must be some instances that allow this.


I released some more videos! Full playlist is here:


This is something I've been trying to figure out on my end. I run a community instance for creators at, and so far it's been a pretty good situation. The community is fairly cozy, we don't have many problems with spam, and we connect with a handful of really good partner instances that we like and trust.

Here's the thing: my server keeps growing.

In like the last few months, my server's user count has ballooned up to 320 users, from about 50 or so. That's in spite of the fact that I'm incredibly conservative about user registration, and screen just about everyone who registers to cut down on trolls and spam.

Object Storage is sitting at half a terrabyte for video, which in the grand scheme of things is actually not terrible. But, the server is not beefy for constant video transcoding, and setting up infra to make that pain easier is not cheap. At all.

At the end of the day, I'm going to have to think about migrating to a more powerful VPS, to setting up runners on some kind of cloud GPU architecture, to thinking about whether to segment out my database to some kind of externally hosted solution. All of this stuff is expensive, migration is messy, and trying to support all of this seems complicated.

I feel like, within the next few months, we're going to see an influx of YouTube migrations similar to what happened with Reddit and Twitter. I don't think any particular instance can truly be ready for that to happen, but I'd like to at least try to prepare for the worst.

Is anybody else thinking about how to deal with this?


cross-posted from:

The fascinating thing about PeerTube right now is that the frontend experience actually seems to be best on other services. This is primarily because discoverability between instances is fairly poor due to both federation mechanics and due to the nature of bootstrapping social. Because Lemmy and Mastodon feature their own human driven mechanisms for content discovery this problem is largely solved so long as you are browsing through another platform (the same mechanisms do not seem to transfer well to a youtube like frontend, although nobody has tried yet). Comments made on Lemmy and Mastodon will also federate back to PeerTube so you're not segregated based on what service you follow from.

You can subscribe to channels from both Lemmy and Mastodon. Check out some popular channels:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


  • All of the above are channels. On Lemmy you can only subscribe to channels while on Mastodon you can subscribe to both channels and users.
  • Whitelist only is still fairly popular among PeerTube instances so you may not be able to access all creators from your Lemmy instance.
  • Federation does not backfill so if the channels appear blank don't panic. It will fill in with future videos.
  • If you follow these channels from Mastodon and then put them in a list you have a feed that is analogous to Youtube's subscribed page.
  • Major advantage to following from Mastodon in these early days is it puts you in a better position to help these channels grow, If the boost button is right there things are a lot more likely to gain traction.

The NGI Zero coalition is well-represented at the #NGIFORUM23, November 15-16 in Brussels/online.

@gotosocial, @peertube, @renchap of #mastodon & @ps will contribute to the #fediverse track. @fsfe offers a workshop on #FOSS licensing and copyright and @TauriApps joins the impact track. And there are many more. Check out the full list of NGI0 speakers at

The NGI Forum is the annual event of the @EC_NGI's Next Generation Internet initiative.


Hello! I just started streaming on PeerTube and the first thing I noticed is that there is no Live choice on the left side panel for anyone who wants to check Livestreams. Furthermore Sepia Search doesn't really give any results about live channels without a prompt.

In general, finding the content you need on PeerTube is kind of hard even with Sepia Search as a tool.

I say this with the best intentions, I think improvement of these systems will lead to much more public endorsement of PeerTube and grow its userbase by quite a lot.


BeeToons TV is the site for watching, learning and discussing animation AND earning an income for doing it! Creating awesome videos pays you an income here, but leaving thoughtful comments on videos here pays you a passive income as well. Welcome!


Searching for #PeerTube in #Bing and thus #DuckDuckGo gives zero results. Bind mentions that "The search result may have adult contents has been filtered." and that "age verification is required". While DuckDuckGo just shows zero results.

I understand that there might be PeerTube instances with adult content in the search results but I don't believe all of them have adult content. I know mine does not.


Hi all. I recently decided to try PeerTube as a creator, and was quite surprised by a lot of what I found. Thought a writeup from the perspective of a newbie to the platform might be useful for others who are considering it.

Disclaimer: Some of the following might not be entirely accurate but it’s just what I’ve picked up over the last week. Corrections and tips very welcome!

First up, I’m already a small-time craft YouTuber with around 7500 subs. Nothing earth-shattering, but enough to be pretty comfortable putting myself out there on the internet.

I’ve been on Mastodon about a year, and on Lemmy since just before the Great Migration, with two accounts and a decent amount of activity on both. I’ve also poked around various other Fedi bits like PixelFed, Bookwyrm, Firefish etc. So essentially I went into PeerTube thinking I knew what to expect.

Things learned:

  • It’s surprisingly difficult to find an instance.

The instance search is hard to find, and then it’s very limited with only 25 results (many of which are private). It claims to be pulling from this much larger list, so idk what the problem is there. The first time I tried to join PT, this was my stopping point.

I’ve now joined MakerTube, an instance dedicated to makers, artists etc. This fits my content perfectly, but the only way I heard about it was word of mouth. How many other budding instances are out there with no way to tell us about it? Who knows.

Instances need a way to be found, and people need a way to find instances. In the meantime this is a huge barrier to adoption, so if you know of a cool instance drop it down in the replies and help people out!

  • Account vs channel

On signup you’re asked to create an account with a username, and then can optionally create a channel if you want to upload videos. Pretty standard stuff, you might think? Nah.

Most of your subscribers will be on Mastodon. It’s the biggest Fedi service by far, I imagine very few people are actually signed up on PT as a viewer account. The issue here is that when videos are federated to Mastodon, it’s from your user account and not your channel so they all end up following the user instead.

This gets your videos to your subscribers just fine, but does make your channel sub count look a bit anaemic 😅

So yeah, learn from my mistakes. If you want your subscribers to see videos coming from your actual branded channel name, you need to make sure that’s your user account name instead and then use channels more like playlists. And no, you can’t use the same name for both, I tried that already!

  • Categories are useless, tags are not

Much like YouTube, the default categories on PeerTube are extremely limited to the point of being useless. There is a plugin instance owners can run to add custom categories for their instance, but whether that gets federated out in a useful way I couldn’t tell you.

Tags, however, are interesting. I’ve not seen them used anywhere in the PT interface, presumably they’re used in search. But remember what we said about most of your subs being from Mastodon?

It turns out when you publish a video with a tag like “cross stitch”, spaces will be removed and it’ll be added as a Mastodon hashtag “#crossstitch”. So anyone following that tag, can see it. Pretty sure I’ve had a few subs just from that feature alone, although the first time my own face popped up in my #crossstitch feed unexpectedly it was a bit of a jump scare.

  • Licences

When you upload a video you’ll be asked to pick a licence from a list, and no further info or explanation is given on what any of them mean. It turns out, as far as I can tell, they map to the general Creative Commons licences here. But it’s very much not explicit and I was surprised to find it so difficult to dig up info on what they are.

  • Viewers won’t just come to you organically because search is bad

PeerTube from the viewer’s side is actually a LOT worse than from the creator side. So it makes sense that there are very few viewers. I’m hopeful that as the experience gets a bit smoother it’ll become more natural for people to discover channels, but so far it’s pretty terrible.

The main issue is that search is almost unusable, and I am absolutely not the sort of person who throws around the word “unusable”.

Rather than the organic federated search results of Masto or Lemmy it seems like on PeerTube your results are dictated in large part by your admin’s settings, and choices they’ve made about where to pull from. So assuming you can find a suitable looking instance, this might be something you want to ask your admin about.

There is something approaching a global search, but assuming you find and remember to use it you’ll get duplicate results in just about the most inefficient layout I’ve ever seen in my life.

  • Sorting algorithms? Also bad

Since I joined MakerTube last week, the default homepage sort of “hot” has shown the same first few results without change. Some as much as two months old.

It’s a similar problem to the ones Lemmy was having, and those only started to be looked at seriously once we had bigger numbers and people started complaining about seeing the same posts over and over. So again hopefully as more creators take the plunge and more viewers show up, these things will be dealt with.

  • Enough whinging

There’s plenty to like about PeerTube. I love the idea of a themed instance. I love how easy it is to import my back catalogue. I love the wider Fediverse integration and how easy it is for someone on another service to follow my channel from there. I love that Jan Beta chose the same instance as me, it makes me feel cool seeing his videos next to mine.

But I’ve seen various discussions with people noping out of PeerTube based on hitting the same roadbumps I did. So if this post helped, great. If you want to ask questions, feel free.

And if you happen to be into kind of awkward crafting videos, well, you know where to find me!


I cannot find another instance that I feel like will accept my content without dividing it in different instances.

I like posting different things like clips from older cartoons (both English and Italian), videogame clips or tutorials, tech tutorials, repost memes... and I wanna stream me playing videogames. I don't wanna see any NSFW.

I used to like an instance called but didn't use it for quite some time. Checking back now, looks like it's no longer being hosted.

With how instances are setup and moderated I indeed feel like I would have to make multiple accounts in different instances.

Should I just look into creating my own instance? I am fine with creating multiple channels to divide the content, just don't want to make multiple accounts to remember both credentials and where they are hosted.


So, I've just set up my own peertube instance over at, and that was surprising simple.

Or I should say that the instructions were surprisingly clear and correct, more so than what I've seen from other comparable open-source system.

Anyway, easy-peasy.

And now I want to follow some other instances, so I go looking at PeerTube instances.

And ye Gods are there a lot of ... people who don't agree with me politically.

Do any of you people out there know of a listing of instances-instances?

I'd settle for an instances-instance that leans anarchist, if you of any such beast?


I know, the platform isn't ready, the platform needs more creators, the platform has technical improvements to do...We could have said the same for Lemmy before the Reddit blackout, the same for Mastodon on Twitter.

The main limitation I see at the moment are PeerTube instances, badly communicating, from what I've been able to realize, and there are no reference instances as it was for Lemmy.



So I went down the list of PeerTube clients in F-Droid, and the only two that let me pick my instance / login are TubeLab and P2Play. They look nice but there's a problem: they don't understand login with 2FA, and I don't really want to drop 2FA as I always use the extra security whenever it's available.

Any other Android client you're aware of that would work for me?

In the meantime, I'll open a feature request for those two apps.


Uuh nevermind, I answered my own question: when I went to open an issue with TubeLab, the repo says it's now part of FediLab - which, inconveniently, doesn't come up when you search for PeerTube in F-Droid.

I installed FediLab, and lo and behold... 2FA!

And with that, voila: I'm logged in:



Can you have a private paywall on a peertube instance so users will have to pay to watch content on a peertube instance? An instance that does not federate? Is the following functionality possible for a peertube instance? Would be useful for exclusive content.

  1. Private room/spaces were no one can join unless invited

  2. An API call to send a invite to a user to join a room/space

  3. An API call to allow a matrix user to join a private room/space

  4. An API call to remove (not ban) a user from a matrix space/room

  5. Peeetube instance will not federate (instances will not grab channels and videos from other instance and other instances cannot grab channels and videos from this instance)

  6. Peertube instance is private (Users cannot view channels or videos on instance unless they are logged in)

  7. Disable signup

  8. Create an account using an API call (Be able to create an account for a user via an API call)

  9. Disabling an account using an API call (Be able to prevent an account from viewing channels and videos, not banning an account but disabling it)

  10. Prevent users from creating an channel and uploading videos

  11. Disable comments

  12. Disable likes and dislikes

  13. Disable download option for videos


Would anyone recommend any peertube app on fdroid?


Hey I was trying peertube recently and signed up to a specific instance ..then yesterday I recorded a video and decided to upload to peertube but I found out that I have 0 quota in that instance.. I tried to find if this quota info is somewhere in the peertube instances page but had no luck. Is there any instance that give me some quota on their disk or do I have to run my own instance to host my videos?


Hey fellas, just wanted to let you know I started a new #Peertube channel. The new one, I'll be using for programming only and the old one will be for fun and games.

So if you unsubbed to the old one due to programming vids, come back! If you're subbed to the old one hoping for programming vids, you're out of luck!


Hey guys! I have took interest in Peertube and would like to find some good channels but I am still rather lost.

What are some of the channels that you enjoy? (I only speak english but feel free to write about any channel you like, let's share a little!)

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