I like to think that the "weed or not" part is like the "hotdog or not hotdog" app from the show Silicon Valley, just a single function to identify if the plant is marijuana or not so that you can decide if you're going to roll it up and smoke it
<<<<<<< / c / g a r d e n i n g >>>>>>>
read braiding sweetgrass, lib
_ ___
_(_)_ .-' '-.
(_)@(_) / \ ,,, _
(_),,, \^^^^|^^^^/ {{{}}_(_)_
|{{{}} \ | /, ~Y~(_)@(_)
| ~Y~(@)\ | /{}} \|/ (_)
(\|/)| \Y/ \ | / ~Y~ \|/ (\|/)
\|/\|/\|/ \|/ \|/\\|//\\|//
Let it grow ^.^
.-/ \-. If I had a flower
( \__/ ) for each time
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /
( / \ ) of communism
, \\ (-. ) my garden
|\_ ||/.-`would be full
\'.\_ |;`
'--,\|| ,
`;| _/|
// _/.'/
We could have Star Trek scanners but instead we're in a cyberpunk novel that would be called too on the nose.
Feels like its straight out of the "Jennifer Government" scene, where the guy is frantically trying to get an operator to send an ambiance for a kid without insurance who got caught in some corporate crossfire.
we're in a cyberpunk novel that would be called too on the nose.
We're rapidly approaching the Horizon Zero Dawn world pre-Faro Plague
Input your creditcard information to find out if you die in 5 minutes or not
Cool that won't kill people.
use iNaturalist
Seek is a glimpse of what Machine Learning could be like under communism, rather than it just being a series of elaborate parlour tricks to inflate stock prices
Seconding this, very useful app for guerilla gardening
Also recommend crime pays but botany doesn't on YouTube
Could be that the info is still in the payload of the response sent by the server.Mitmproxy could work in that case. Maybe even to suggest to the app that you are a subscriber.
Wonder if luckypatcher works for apps like this
my brain parsed "toxicity" and "invasiveness" as about the app itself and I was about to post "based"
Plant snap? Decent (as in shockingly good for a free app, surprised they haven't ruined it yet) identification, I would suggest googling whatever it says anyway, as it can be a bit misleading or wrong. IE: once it said blackberry species X and it was blackberry species Y, one native, one not.
I don't pay for it but a lot of places will also list some plants as toxic but if you look at it you have to eat a specific part, or its a specific reaction. Could kill you from touching it, could be toxic only to cats during summer. So probably of limited use if its just a yes/no/maybe box.
I do wish there were better options for determining native-ness. Absolutely sucks to think something is, propagate it, then realize nope, its NATURALIZED from a nearby state and is a bit problematic in your specific area. Prairie moon seeds somehow has the most clear guides, but only if they're selling it (as in, they only list species they have/had and their ranges, so no luck from them).
understanding that capitalists need to milk this, they shouldve swapped the paywalled fields