Poe's Law at its finest: I don't know if this is an actual business dropping the "we're making the city prettier, just that~" façade and advertising itself based on what it does, or if it's a site criticising this approach to deal with homeless people.
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https://sfplanters.org is a parody of https://www.sfplanters.com
And the "real" site had more errors than the parody. "© 2035"
A well-thought piece of criticism, then.
And the “real” site had more errors than the parody. “© 2035”
That's hilarious.
The gmail address on the "real" one really drives home that professionalism.
This is top notch activism! I almost ate that onion
I love it. We so need this in Portland.
I think that “is” Portland actually. All the photos were Portland locations. At least they were labeled that way.
The real one or the parody?
The real one, for sure. After a couple of free market disagreements involving firearms in front of your home, even an atheist would be praying for sweeps and barriers.