Communism isn't bad, it just crumples as soon you put anything but saints in charge of it.
I'm not entirely sure anything works better in a long-term scenario though :)
Communism isn't bad, it just crumples as soon you put anything but saints in charge of it.
I'm not entirely sure anything works better in a long-term scenario though :)
whoops, brazil. we had a budding workers movement that was absolutely crushed by the traitorous brazilian military, in the name of the US of course.
that hasnt stopped syndicalism to take root here and improve our lives a bit, but the communist organizations responsible were all crushed and we see our rights being taken away ever since because no one is left to defend them. we are scrambling rn to see if we can stop fascism.
I wonder if anyone ever said "Democracy would never work, just look at what happened to Athens".
Socialism and communism are relatively new ideas. While I don't believe communism is an effective form of government, it's still kind of silly to write it off so quickly.
There is a poem in Polish, it goes in fast and dirty translation: "Today you scare us with communists, just as years ago, you scared our fathers with the democrat name".
Someone between 1804 and 1830: Democracy doesn't work, just look at France, it dissolves into an empire