I know Elon is a nazi and all, I just find it a little gross to paint swastikas in public. Just write nazi or something on it.
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
Nah, this is like in inglorious bastards when they carve it in nazis heads. Gotta let the rest of the world know who they are
writing Nazi does the same thing without passerby's thinking you're the Nazi for doing graffiti of swastikas
Hey look... an American Volkswagen
LPT: It's less immediately obvious, but much more permanent, if you paint with a brush and a mix of vinegar and salt, it'll seed the rust...
Scratch the pattern into the steel first with a sheet of coarse grit sandpaper - it'll give the chemicals a lot more surface area to work with; and it will be immediately apparent, but not glaringly so. You'll be able to appreciate your own work, without catching the eye of onlookers.
Molotov cocktail the vehicle for maximum effect
The trick is to make them pay you for custom painting their "truck" in the way they really want.
Good job