Temporal AA - Aiming at a target for a short time will prevent another target moving very quickly across your reticle from dragging your aim off it. Controller only.
I’ve been screwed over by this many times in Crucible.
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Temporal AA - Aiming at a target for a short time will prevent another target moving very quickly across your reticle from dragging your aim off it. Controller only.
I’ve been screwed over by this many times in Crucible.
I thought that was talking about anti aliasing and was just about to go off on how Destiny still looks amazing and TAA would ruin everything. Very poor choice of words.
Yeah this is a massive W. I’ve been screwed by it in every game mode.
Just saw a clip of the telesto catalyst, holy hell
Telesto what now.
My exact thoughts.
- New perk: Harbinger Vestiges
- After three activations of Harbinger's Pulse, special reload the weapon to cause a rain of Telesto projectiles on your next direct hit.
I can't find a non reddit source but imagine a void portal opening overhead and just firing telesto bolts all around