Weird Corners of the Internet

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SFW weird corners of the internet. See something amusingly specific? Could belong here. Remember the odd pages you'd come across on StumbleUpon? We can live those days again....

Filed under Humor/Memes but it doesn't have to be funny.

note from kixiQu: I post a good amount of things from and marijn's linkroll into this sub because I think they have a lot of fabulous examples. if anyone gets tired of it, DM me.

founded 4 years ago
read unsent letters (
submitted 3 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is a masterful use of scrolling text. On my second load of the page, a lovelorn note showed up that I would have thought maudlin but for the sentence-by-sentence reveals. I wouldn't have imagined a change in presentation could so alter the experience of reading the content of that subreddit.


Is there a name for a piece of art that is a website? A webpage? I think of sites mostly as encapsulating art that isn't the site itself, even when the site is obviously creative and expressive also. An "art page" sounds like a page about art, not a page that is art.

These are questions that I'm sure had better answers in 1999.


A lovely little doohickey.

I'm seeing on gossip's web a lot of things similar to this hosted on Glitch which is very cool. I hope Glitch is profitable enough to survive because there's a lot of beauty to it.


I spent longer than I should admit staring at this unblinking, adding algae, adding water fleas... What a lovely project.


via @[email protected]

This is associated with a web comic called Pepper and Carrot which has very pleasant art.


I adore this and I want to sift through every bit of it. If I weren't so committed to my own space on the web I might sign up, but as it is I think I will spectate...


I cannot find a good source tweet for this yet. It is also the case that anything worth doing would be so incredibly niche that you'd have to have an audience in mind hardly less specific than its original author.

But what a wonderfully made little tool!


not really something traditionally thought of as "niche internet", but hey, still internet and still niche


I just found Justus's website and it makes my heart warm to see a blend of crafts, tech, plants, books one's read, all mish-mashed up on a website. This little URL seemed like an excellent submission for /c/nicheinternet and I'm hoping it will help me remember to go back and check to see if he gets an RSS feed up. (I'm pretty crap at remembering things without computers poking me about them, so RSS is important!)

  • I could make a joke about "ah, the three genders" but tbh "mostly ghost but sort of woman" is too on-the-nose, this triangle needs to be in common use everywhere
  • exactly as scientific as most other personality tests out there

The measurement seems to exclude adblocked stuff, and that seems questionable to me.

The concept discriminates against us animated gif lovers, too. ;) Might be more interesting to limit Javascript size?

That said, it's fun to see how these vary from sleek to good old chunky <table>s.


This is a rich vein unmined by many. Fanfiction authors! X-but-make-it-gay authors! Literary authors who are feeling a bit stuck! Unite!!

(there is some 1928 racism embedded so pls know that going in. also, um, don't use racism as a plot conceit.)


Geese, ducks, chickens. Egg counter included. There's a little pond right now. I wish I could put this on my television with one click for background. I've been missing fresh eggs...


She's a genius, honestly. On Twitter we see maps and stickers, a map shirt... How does one bring this magical chaos to other things like decluttering that I also don't want to do??


This seems like it would make an excellent quarantine date if only my partner were a classical music person. Sigh...

I also appreciate that it lets you filter by era. Some days you're up for Berg, some days you're not, you know?


I love the simplest and least custom-animated bongo cat vids so if anyone makes something with this as a tool please let me know.


This blows my mind a little because I remember installing Blender as a kid and having it bring our family desktop to a chugging halt. Now this kind of power is available in the browser! I would love to see what people could do with this kind of sculpting application coupled with an open version of Spark AR Studio.

(Maleficent horns filter for video conferencing when, though)


I don't know why this looks so appealing to me. Is the northwestern US so devoid of architecture? Am I unduly charmed by courtyards and balconies? Is it the cute little sound effect that I'm projecting onto the edifice?


I know you might see "AI powered" and roll your eyes, but for whatever reason, this one seems to give me much better results than other similar ones.


it's too catchy

but I know I can make it better

if I just modify it a little

wait, let me switch it back and try it again--


this tool is absolutely flawless at what it does, even though I immediately start wishing for more colors, variable size, etc. etc. I'm always surprised contemporary web design doesn't use CSS border-image more... but pleased that it thereby maintains its offbeat charm.

47 was this a while back.


they rebranded this one year and used it as a Valentine's Day thing. the most fun way to use it is to pick the two artists you like who are most different, and to see if you like the choices in the middle. one itches to have access to all the echo nest learned vector representations of songs and artists that I'm sure exist.


The sudden realization that I desperately need one for my own website.


credit to polarism

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