Depends--I maintain eating any part of a millionaire is vegan, but a normal person has to consent to giving you their boogs for them to be vegan. Most non-human animals can't consent, except like parrots and magpies, but I'm not sure they even make boogs, (I don't know much about avian respiration)
I'll have to ask my husband when he wakes up
Needs an animal product CW for all that BEEF
They're fun, and really easy to put together if you're used to Games Workshop's kits! Warhammer youtube seems to have "discovered" it lately, it's pretty interesting to watch people new to its applications of techniques but very experienced with the techniques theirselves, as someone who made the opposite jump from gunpla to Warhammer
Thanks! Yeah it's a really cool look, gunpla tennnnds to like painting the parts before assembly unless you're gluing them into a pose and it's a good futuristic gunmetal. I'm trying to decide if it'll look better as the English ships' buff-and-black, or if I wanna base it on a Royal Naval uniform. That's also very much the "Gundam protagonist suit" color scheme though and I don't know if I wanna be that obvious with it
So! At the moment it's just Mobile Suit Skirmish counting the HG kits (~5", usually) as 1/56 instead of 1/144, and adding rules for sailing ships and better rules for infantry. I need to do a bunch of balancing and tweaking though. But! Actually building something I'm excited about gets me in the state of mind to do that and to write the accompanying story, and all the research both those things entail
Furthermore, the existence of the man in the yellow hat implies the existence of a curious little monkey he keeps as a pet
That is something I hadn't considered and will take under advisement
Oh the players were all fine, just some of their characters objected. Some didn't! There is utility in having a cat case the joint
A hopefully ok-looking kitbash of what's there, a Core Gundam, and a Portanova Space Type for my Napoleonic mech game
It's also worth considering if those boogs are just gonna be thrown away--even if it's not strictly consensual or outright goes against the wishes of the producer, I go back and forth on whether it's ethical to consume a discarded, or "dumpster" booger