Wanna talk about your hobbies or post about them? Here's your spot! From mini painting to cross stitching to crocheting.
Same thing that went through my mind.
Such a nice chunky robot
I want to get back into painting minis again but theres sooo much other stuff to do
It's super hard to set aside time for it lol
Nicely done! What're you thinking of doing for the base?
Also, when you say you're "sanding and washing" the coldstar, what do you mean, exactly? You talking about some painting technique, or just rinsing it in water to get debris off?
Not entirely sure what I want to do with the bases yet, but I'm leaning towards some basic brown dirt with some greenery.
Also, when you say you're "sanding and washing" the coldstar, what do you mean, exactly? You talking about some painting technique, or just rinsing it in water to get debris off?
Just cleaning up the spots where the parts were attached to the sprue and removing the mold lines. I'll wash the parts of with a little dish soap to make sure all the tasty are off.
That's Awesome. I'm getting into Battletech this year more and more and really enjoying it
I want to play it, but my FLGS has their monthly Battletech night at an awkward time for my schedule lol