The plate is for serving Old Sleepy Don done in a nice presentation for Judge Merchan to chew on a week later.
Old Sleepy Don will be ready to rAmble! Be ready for him to dodge and deflect every question while lying about everything under the sun.
Hey ABC! Show up those clowns at CNN by fact checking the candidates' responses! Keep your journalistic integrity! Be sure to have a question or two about crime and the judicial system. We want to see the VP Prosecutor crush him!
The only poll that really matters is the election itself. Don't be complacent! Get the job done and vote Blue!
See, flying isn't for people who plan. It's for people who roll 20s and not 1s. You know, lucky people. That's the message here.
I'm voting for Tampon Tim!
Old man with old strategies. Old strategies like weakness, sleepiness, and rambling incoherence. Weird!
Lying And Rambling Don LARD People have been saying it!
Or James Austin Johnson
Well, everyone is saying it! Poor Sleepy duhnOLD can't say the Vice President's first name correctly despite having known about her for many many years. Even now he has trouble! Not just sad. Weird!
To take this further, imagine Harris walking out, tag teaming Joe to take his place, and then watching a wet stain dribble down the slacks of Mr. "I've known about the VP for years but I still purposely mispronounce her first name as if my own name was duhNALD Troomp." Tantruming cowards gonna cowardly tantrum.
Dementia Don flounders when the unexpected comes along. He's a bad leader. A good leader knows how to manage the unexpected (like a change in a presidential campaign) and take appropriate action (stick to the issues and avoid the racist card). Not Old Sleepy Don! It's just like when the global pandemic came around. The horrible leader didn't rely on experts for help and made up things that got people killed. His narcissism prevents him from getting advice better than his own poor knowledge base. He lost in 2020 and he still stinks. He'll lose in 2024 if people get out and vote. Vote blue not pee-yew!
I agree that's the intent, however, they too often can be misleading, used in misleading ways, or simply misunderstood. I think too many people sat at home in 2016 saying "Well, Hillary has this one in the bag." Let's not do that to Kamala Harris, and more importantly, to ourselves.